Jason Hartley is lecturer in criminology at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. He is a former police officer with 23 years of experience, and has trained personnel for deployment in Timor Leste, the Solomon Islands, Iraq and Afghanistan. Jason specializes in, and has published on engagement with Muslim communities, Indigenous Polynesian approaches to rehabilitation and reducing recidivism, and Asian Organised Crime. Jason also completed a community internship in Hebron on the West Bank.
Steps to Apply
Here are the steps to guide you through how to apply for study at Global Leadership Institute are detailed in the Student Admission Policy. This includes specific information for international students.
If you have any queries, please contact: info@gli.edu.au
Choosing your Course
GLI’s postgraduate courses include:
- Masters (2 years full-time)
- Graduate Diplomas (1 year full-time)
- Graduate Certificates (1 semester full-time)
There are flexible entry and exit points. Please see:
- Master of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Master of Police Leadership
- Graduate Diploma of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Graduate Diploma of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership (Cybersecurity)
- Graduate Certificate in Police Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Police Leadership (Cybersecurity)
Please contact enrol@gli.edu.au for more information.
Admission Criteria
You need to meet admission requirements for your chosen course. They’re usually based on previous study and/or professional experience. Some courses may have additional entry requirements.If your previous studies were not completed in English or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you’ll need to demonstrate that you meet the English proficiency requirements. Check your course for more information on entry requirements.
For more information, please see the Student Admissions Policy.
Relevant Work Experience
The following supporting documentation is required to demonstrate relevant work experience. Please ensure that you have included the required documentation when you submit your applications:
certified copies of relevant managerial or leadership qualifications attained, if relevant;
evidence of relevant managerial or leadership experience (of people or projects) in the form of a current CV. Please ensure that your CV includes your full work history and outlines the major activities you undertake, such as managing a team of people, managerial components of major projects you have been responsible for, and/or delegations for which you are directly responsible.
your CV should include two current, signed references that are work related. Your referees need to substantiate the nature of your work and the managerial or leadership duties.
Statement of Intention outlining your motivation to study, your previous education and employment history, and how this course can assist your career aspirations or progression.
Other entry possibilities
For Graduate Certificates, there is the option of Professional Entry where applicants with demonstrated minimum five years relevant professional experience may apply for entry to the course subject to approval by the Program Director.
For more details regarding specific admission criteria, please see the relevant course details on the website.
Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning
Gaining credit and recognition of prior learning may reduce the time it will take to complete your degree.
For more information, see the Cross Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.
Applying for your course
Submit your online Application Form here:
You will need to supply all documents (identity, transcript, and any other documents) as certified in clear resolution (not blurry).
Note: PDF format is best for uploading any documents.
For further information, please contact: enrol@gli.edu.au
Who handles my application?
The Registrar is responsible for overseeing application processes. International agents can assist their clients in completing successful applications by referring to the GLI application information.
What is a complete application?
A complete application means that you have answered every question and included the following documents: a certified (notarised) copy of your passport, evidence of your English language proficiency (such as a valid IELTS Test Report Form), and academic transcripts. Some courses require additional documentation, such as CV and police check. These will be requested on the application form.
What is an incomplete application?
Incomplete applications are those that do not provide responses to every question or are missing the necessary supporting documents. Repeated failure to supply completed application may result in the applicant being deemed non-genuine and the application being rejected. Failure to complete multiple applications may result in no new application being accepted.
What are ‘certified’ (notarised) documents?
All supporting documents should be certified. A ‘certified copy’ is a copy of an original document that has been authorised (or notarised) as being a true copy of an original. A list of people who can Certify Documents can be found here.
How do I know if my documents are current?
The following documents must meet these restrictions to be considered current:- According to Australia law, a passport must have 6 months validity beyond the start date of the applicant’s course.
- IELTS (or equivalent documents used as evidence of English Proficiency): no more than 2 years old.
Documents must meet these requirements on the day they are received by the Registrar.
What should I write in my application?
Always complete your application in your own words with clear, specific, and personal information. Do not copy reasons for choosing to study from another person or from other sources (such as the internet or artificial intelligence).Summer Semester
Summer Semester is an optional third semester for GLI students, or an opportunity to discover new knowledge and skills for non-GLI students.
Why study in Summer Semester?
GLI offers selected units in intensive or extensive mode during Summer Semester each year, providing an opportunity to:
- Finish your degree faster;
- Undertake courses to meet prerequisite requirements for another program.
What can I study?
See the timetable for details. Available units may change from year to year.
Before deciding to enrol, please read the unit details carefully to determine if you meet pre-requisite requirements.
Accepting your Offer
Accept your Offer Letter to start your course. International students will require a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) to apply for, or extend, an international student visa. Check your personal and course details on your CoE before you apply for a student visa and advise the Registrar immediately if there is an error in your details: enrol@gli.edu.au
Student Forms
During your study journey, you may need to access various forms. Below are quick links to student forms which you can also access in the Student Portal on Moodle™. For any queries, please contact: studentsupport@gli.edu.au
- Application to Graduate Form
- Change of Unit Enrolment Form
- Change Personal Detail Form
- Credit Card Authorisation Form
- Critical Incident Report From
- Extension Request Form
- Grievance and Appeals Form
- Hazard Report Form
- Leave, Deferment, Suspension, or Cancellation Form
- Refund Request Form
- Sexual Misconduct Report Form
- Study Adjustments Request Form
Enrolling In Units
Before you can enrol in units at GLI, you must:
- Submit your Course Application Form
- if you are successful, accept your offer.
Please familiarise yourself with the key information below for the year that you are enrolling:
- Academic Calendar 2024
- Orientation Schedule 2024
- Student Handbook 2024
- Timetable 2024
After you have accepted your offer, your record is activated in the student information system. You are then eligible to enrol in units for your course.
For further information, please contact: enrol@gli.edu.au
Unit Enrolments
You can enrol in units prior to the commencement of semester. This usually takes place during Orientation.
Course pages detail the units you are required to complete:
- Master of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Master of Police Leadership
- Graduate Diploma of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Graduate Diploma of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership (Cybersecurity)
- Graduate Certificate in Police Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Police Leadership (Cybersecurity)
Please see the Unit Enrolment Policy for more details.
Course and Unit Requirements
During Orientation, you will meet your Program Director to discuss unit enrolments and the semester timetable. All units offered in a course are allocated a certain amount of credit points. A standard full-time study load is four (4) units or 40 credit points per semester. The requirements to complete the course, including core units, specialisations, and electives are listed under the relevant Course Handbook.
Each unit outline includes information about pre-requisites, learning outcomes, content, assessment, required reading, and more. It is your responsibility to understand your course and unit requirements. These will allow you to become familiar with your study options and how you might progress through your course. It is important to consult with your Program Director if you have any questions regarding course planning, progression, and unit enrolment choices.
Exams and Assessments
You can apply for alternative exam or assessment arrangements if circumstances prevent you from taking your exam at the allocated time and place, or if you need adjustments to assessments. For more information, see:
- Diversity and Equity Policy
- Student Assessment and Workload Policy.
Withdrawal or Change of Unit Enrolments
To withdraw from a unit or change a unit enrolment, you need to complete the Change of Unit Enrolment Form. Students are encouraged to speak with the Student Support Officer prior to applying to withdraw or change unit enrolments, as a change may have financial and academic consequences. International students must ensure that changes to study load meet their student visa requirements.
Leave of Absence
While not recommended, in some situations students may need to take a leave of absence during semester. Students should contact the Program Director if they wish to be absent longer than five (5) consecutive days or if they expect to miss the start of a required semester.
If a student needs to be absent for an extended period and is unable to maintain academic progress, they should complete the Leave, Deferment, Suspension, or Cancellation Form, including supporting documentation.
The grounds on which international student visa holders may be granted a leave of absence without cancellation of their visa are set out in the Educational Services to Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code.
Deferment, Suspension, or Cancellation
Deferring your offer means you intend to study with GLI, but you would like to change the start date of your course due to extenuating, compelling, or compassionate circumstances which are outside your control. Please see the Leave, Deferment, Suspension, and Cancellation Policy. You need to defer your offer before census date to avoid tuition fees.
Students are allowed a maximum of two consecutive semesters as an approved deferral or suspension of studies. Extensions beyond this time will only be granted in exceptional, compelling, or compassionate circumstances as defined by GLI’s Refund Policy. Please note that approved deferrals, suspensions, and cancellations may incur fees, as outlined in the GLI Fees and Charges Schedule. New students may defer their enrolment only once, subject to GLI approval. GLI will usually allow new students to defer the start of their course to the following semester.
If you wish to defer commencement of studies, please complete the Leave, Deferment, or Suspension, or Cancellation Form. This should include supporting documentation. If you have a package with a partner institution, an updated offer letter from the partner must be supplied. Applicants may only defer the commencement of their course for a maximum of one year. GLI assesses each case on its individual merits when determining whether compassionate or compelling circumstances exist.
Under Standard 13 of the National Code, international students are also allowed to defer commencement of their course for a maximum of one year. International students who wish to defer should seek advice from the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact on their student visa.
Once approved, GLI securely stores the Leave, Deferment, Suspension, or Cancellation Form and associated documentation on the student’s file. Where applicable, GLI will notify the Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS. An amended offer letter from GLI will also be provided, which must be signed and returned to the Registrar before a new CoE is issued.
International Students
International students may only defer, suspend, or cancel course enrolment if there are exceptional, compelling, or compassionate grounds as defined by the Refund Policy. The Institute uses professional judgement to assess each student’s case on its individual merits when determining whether such circumstances exist.
International students who wish to defer, suspend, or cancel their studies with GLI should seek advice from the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact on their student visa.
To make a variation to your course enrolment, you must submit the Leave, Deferment, Suspension, or Cancellation Form. Students should note that tuition fees and administrative charges may change if, and when, a new offer of enrolment is provided. Also, students must ensure that all outstanding fees have been paid to GLI at the time of making a request to change their course enrolment. The student will be notified of the outcome within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application.
All documentation is kept in the student’s file for at least two years after the student ceases to be enrolled at GLI.
If the request is approved, GLI will notify the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS of the change in enrolment status. International students who have taken leave for reasons not permitted under the legislation will be deemed to have discontinued their studies and will have to apply for a new visa to re-enter the country as a student.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure they re-enrol after a period of leave. Failure to re-enrol may result in termination of enrolment on the grounds that the student has abandoned their studies. Students are informed of these requirements when their application is approved.
For more details, please see the Leave, Deferral, Suspension, and Cancellation Policy.
Fees and Charges
Tuition fees are unit-based. This means you’ll pay the same tuition fee for each unit in your course during one academic year. For details regarding fees see your course information:
- Master of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Master of Police Leadership
- Graduate Diploma of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Graduate Diploma of Counterterrorism Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership (Cybersecurity)
- Graduate Certificate in Police Leadership
- Graduate Certificate in Police Leadership (Cybersecurity)
The cost of your degree includes both tuition fees and non-tuition charges. The Fees, Payments, and Tuition Assurance Policy details all you need to know about how and when to pay your fees and charges. All financial information is stated and paid in Australian dollars.
The GLI Fees and Charges Schedule helps you estimate your total fees for the year, and how your fees are calculated may vary depending on your course, type of study, and your student status. Your fees will appear as a rate per unit. Using the relevant schedule, multiply the rate per unit by the number of units in your course to calculate the estimated total cost of fees for your course. Please see: GLI Fees and Charges Schedule 2024
All application fees and unit enrolment fees must be paid by the Census date listed on the GLI Academic Calendar. This is also the last date you can withdraw from units without incurring any financial penalties. If fees are not paid by Census date, your enrolment may be cancelled.
The GLI Fees and Charges Schedule lists refundable and non-refundable fees and charges.
The circumstances where you may be eligible for a refund are detailed in the Refund Policy.
Scam warning
To protect yourself from fraud and scams, never pay through a third party, even if discounts are offered. Scammers may contact you on social media, or be recommended by a friend and offer a deal where you pay them a ‘discounted’ amount and they will then pay the full amount to GLI on your behalf.
Scammers may make payments to GLI using stolen credit cards and these payments are eventually declined. Victims lose the money they paid to the scammer and several weeks into semester students find out their fees are still outstanding.
To ensure you are protected from scams, stay up to date with the latest warnings on Scamwatch.
Changes to residency, visa, or citizenship status
If you change your residency, visa, or citizenship status you may also be eligible to change your fee status. Fee-paying domestic students still pay tuition fees, but these are typically lower than those paid by international students. You may be eligible to change your fees status if you have been granted:
- Australian permanent residency;
- Australian humanitarian visa;
- Australian citizenship; or
- New Zealand citizenship.
Need More Help?
For any queries regarding fees, payments, and refunds, please contact: enrol@gli.edu.au