This policy outlines Global Leadership Institute (GLI) planning and management processes regarding critical incidents affecting the operations of the Institute. Business Impact Analysis refers to a series of analyses to determine function criticality and to gather information about critical functions, their dependencies and resource requirements.
All staff, students, visitors, and contractors.
GLI adheres to the following principles:
- Critical incidents are managed by a designated Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT) reporting to the President;
- The President has the authority to designate an incident as critical and establish the CIMT;
- The President is also part of the CIMT and will be designated the role of Critical Incident Coordinator (CIC);
- CIMT is responsible for managing the Institute’s response to and its recovery from the incident;
- The President is responsible for coordinating the response from the Institute to the critical incident and declaring when the incident has moved from critical to recovery phase.
- GLI Governing Board will regularly monitor and review the Risk Management Plan and Business Continuity Plan to ensure they remain informed about the current requirements in the sector.
- The President is responsible for managing and ensuring compliance with the CIC and the plan.
- The CIMT is responsible for ensuring that the critical incident is documented and proper processes are followed as described in this policy.
- The Registrar and HR Manager are duly authorised by the Institute to manage critical incidents directly involving students on-campus and all GLI staff.
- The President monitors the availability of appropriate resources for managing critical incidents and the development of safety measures.
- It is the responsibility of all staff, students, potential students, volunteers, and visitors to report a critical incident that they have witnessed or in which they have been involved.
GLI recognises that critical incidents can arise that may seriously impact on the safety of staff and students or the Institute’s business continuity. The Institute further recognises that effective planning, management, and rehearsal are the key to success in the event of a critical incident affecting the operations of the Institute.
This procedure is designed to assist both those with primary responsibility for the management of critical incidents and other staff and students, so they can respond appropriately in the event of an incident. This procedure establishes the system and processes for the Institute’s response to the incident, management of the incident, recovery of the incident and post incident review.
Training and clearly accessible and understood procedures are provided to key personnel who may be affected by critical incidents. The prevention of critical incidents through risk identification is a major component of critical incident management.
Any staff member, student, potential student, volunteer, or visitor witnesses or is involved in a critical incident, they should complete the Critical Incident Report Form as soon as is practical after the incident.
The Institute will:
- Undertake a Critical Incident Risk Assessment and identify key risks for the Institute;
- Advise on individual plans to minimise the risks identified through such measures as education and training, improvements to Workplace Health and Safety, student counselling and discipline, individualised plans for students with challenging behaviour, security measures etc;
- Undertake an annual audit of the resources for managing key risks and report any shortfall to the President;
- Approve the Risks and Prevention Checklist;
- Ensure all the students at the Institute, complete the Student Contact Information Form;
- Ensure a copy of the Student Contact Information Form is placed on file at the Institute;
- Ensure students know to complete the Change of Personal Details Form.
The staff member directly involved with the critical incident is to:
- Ensure the physical safety of students and staff as a matter of urgency (i.e. lockdown or evacuation of premises);
- Call emergency services as appropriate on 000;
- Call the CIC at the Institute;
- Refer directly to the Immediate Response Checklist for response action specific to the incident;
The CIC is to:
- Provide all those affected by the incident with access to factual information;
- Contact the President at the Institute;
- Co-ordinate the de-briefing of those affected within eight hours of the incident;
- Monitor the need for counselling;
- Initiate and maintain contact with those affected by the incident;
- Assess the need for on-going additional support from outside agencies.
A Recovery and Response Plan to assist students affected by a critical incident will be reviewed annually by the CIC or in the event of a critical incident, one-week post incident, 2 months post-incident and 6 months post-incident.
One-week post incident:
- De-brief and update on outcomes;
- Complete a Critical Incident Report to build on cumulative experience of handling crises so that the Institute can improve its crisis response;
- Assess the need for legal advice.
Two months post-incident:
- Review of recovery phase i.e. Assess need for on-going counselling; resource management, involvement with coronial inquests etc;
- Re-assess legal position.
Six months post-incident:
- Review GLI critical incident policy and procedures.
Fire Risk
i) Origin could be internal or external;
ii) Internal hazards – electrical equipment and connections, chemicals and other offices in the building;
iii) Student computer room poses the highest risk factor due to quantity of electrical devices and connections.
Preventive Measures
i) The building provided fire protection measures including fire alarms, smoke detectors, sprinkler system, fire extinguishers, building construction and floor plans to assist with evacuation;
ii) All staff and students participate in the fire drills and practice evacuation procedures;
iii) Regular inspection of fire extinguishers and smoke detectors;
iv) Emergency electrician contact details are available from Reception.
Water Risk
i) Origin could be internal such as leaking or damaged pluming;
ii) Origin could be external such as leaks due to storm damage or flooding.
Preventive Measures
i) Regular inspection of the premises – in particular the computer room.
ii) Any water leakage must be reported to the Campus Manager.
Criminal Behaviour Risk
i) Destructive or threatening behaviour by an individual or group such as: physical attack, bomb threat, theft, vandalism, or firearm incident, etc.
Preventive Measures
i) The buildings are alarmed outside operating hours;
ii) Offices and facilities are kept locked outside operating hours;
iii) All confidential information is physically or electronically secure;
iv) Staff training;
v) Emergency contact detail for security staff and emergency services are posted by all staff phones and in student areas.
Data / Information Security Risk
i) System failure;
ii) Physical destruction of computer server and information storage areas;
iii) Corruption or theft of data;
iv) Electrical overload.
Preventive Measures
i) System back up;
ii) Scanning of vital hardcopy documents;
iii) Offsite document storage;
iv) System security including firewalls, password protection;
v) Lockable storage areas and filing cabinets;
vi) Use of quality databases.
Effective communication throughout the organisation is critical during a critical incident. The CIC is responsible for liaison and communication with all relevant persons and organisations.
All staff will receive a copy of the Critical Incident Policy and WH&S training as part of their orientation. All staff and students will participate in regular emergency evacuation training. All emergency equipment will be regularly, checked, serviced and replaced when necessary. Sufficient equipment and material for effectively responding to recovering from emergencies will be available, including First Aid.
Additional procedures for international students:
GLI will adhere to the Educational Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act and notify the relevant government departments as soon as practical after the incident. In the case of a student’s death or other absence affecting attendance, the Academic Dean will contact the Department of Home Affairs by phone prior to reporting via the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS).
If an international student dies or sustains serious injury, GLI may be required to assist the family:
- Hire interpreters;
- Make arrangements for hospital/funeral/memorial service; repatriation;
- Obtain death certificate;
- With personal affairs, including insurance and visas issues.
GLI will maintain a written record of any critical incident and remedial action taken by GLI for at least two years after the overseas student ceases to be an accepted student.