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Code of Conduct Policy

The Global Leadership Institute (GLI) Code of Conduct establishes a standard by which Institute staff and students conduct themselves towards others and perform their studies and professional duties. GLI complies with the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 (Qld) (hereafter referred to as the Act) which guides actions in dealing with other staff, students and the community.
Whole Institute
·            Conduct means the personal behaviour of a person.
·            Conflict of Interest is a situation in which an individual has competing professional or personal interests. Such competing interests could make it difficult for an individual to fulfil their duties impartially, and potentially could improperly influence the performance of their duties and responsibilities. An apparent (or perceived) conflict of interest exists where it appears that individual private interests could improperly influence the performance of their duties and responsibilities whether this is, in fact, the case. Individuals must be conscious that perceptions of conflict of interest may be as important as an actual conflict. A potential conflict of interest arises where an individual has a private interest which is such that an actual conflict of interest would arise if the member were to become involved in relevant (that is conflicting) official duties and responsibilities in the future.
·            Cyber Bullying is bullying conducted with the use of technology, like mobile phones or the internet.
·            Discrimination is to treat an individual less favourably because of an attribute or to impose unreasonable terms or conditions for which individuals with a particular attribute are unable to comply. Vilification on the grounds of race, religion, sexuality or gender identity is also unlawful.
·            Harassment is any form of behaviour that is unwelcome, unsolicited, unreciprocated and usually (but not always) repeated. It is behaviour that is likely to offend, humiliate or intimidate. 
·            Sexual harassment means any unsolicited, unwelcome and unreciprocated behaviour act or conduct of a sexual nature that embarrasses, humiliates or offends other persons. It can be a single incident or a persistent pattern and can range from subtle behaviour to explicit demands for sexual activity or even criminal assault.
·            Victimisation means treating someone unfairly because they have made, or intend to make, a discrimination or harassment complaint. This also includes those who have supported another person in making a complaint.
·            Bullying is defined as repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a person or a group of people that creates a risk to health and safety. 
·            Maladministration means the gross mismanagement of risk leading to death, injury or the culpable wastage of Institute’s resources that adversely affects a person’s interests in a substantial and specific way.
·            Misconduct means conduct which is not serious misconduct but which is nonetheless unacceptable. Serious misconduct means deliberately behaving in a way that is inconsistent with this Code of Conduct.
·            Personal information – information about an identified or identifiable individual that is not available in the public domain.
·            Records management – the control and management of records to meet business, legal and regulatory requirements and compliance with standards governing professional practice. It is a business imperative, a corporate responsibility and a critical function performed through the collective actions of individuals.
·            Record – recorded information in any form, including data in computer systems as well as emails, created or received by any staff member of the Institute in the course of his/her duties.
·            Public comment – includes public speaking engagements, comments on radio and television; and expressing views in letters to the newspapers or in books, journals or notices, or where it might be expected that the publication or circulation of the comment will spread to the community at large.
·            Staff – ongoing, fixed-term and casual staff, including senior management, executive, academic, professional and technical, visiting and adjunct staff, volunteers and conjoint appointments.
·            Sustainability – the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
All staff and students will:
·            Be informed and comply with the relevant GLI policies and procedures;
·            behave in a way that upholds the integrity and good reputation of the Institute;
·            not engage in any behaviour that contravenes federal, state or local law, including sexual assault or sexual harassment;
·            refrain from, and not accept any behaviour which may reasonably be perceived as discrimination, vilification, bullying, cyberbullying, intimidation, harassment, or physically or emotionally threatening;
·            protect Institute resources and take all possible care to use them in a proper manner;
·            comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone who has authority to give that direction;
·            make well-considered decisions, and provide reasons for these decisions where required, especially where they may have an adverse effect on people;
·            disclose wrongdoing and protect those who make a disclosure;
·            avoid any conduct, including alcohol or substance abuse or misuse, which would adversely affect work and/or study performance;
·            avoid all forms of academic misconduct;
·            comply with all relevant legislative and statutory requirements.
·            treat fellow staff members, students and members of the public with honesty, respect and courtesy, and have regard for the dignity and needs of others, including in online communications;
·            respect and celebrate diversity, including gender, race, sexuality, disability, cultural background, marital status, age, political conviction or family responsibilities;
·            act to ensure equity, fairness and natural justice is afforded to all;
·            seek to resolve disputes in a fair and timely manner;
·            strive to create an environment which provides a safe and healthy workplace for employees, students and members of the community;
·            stand up for the rights of others;
·            strive to embed environmental, social, economic and cultural sustainability in all our activities;
·            not engage in any behaviour that would impair the freedom of others to pursue their studies, research and/ or involvement at GLI;
·            report genuinely suspected or known fraud or corrupt conduct to appropriate staff/authority through the appropriate procedures.
GLI staff will:
·           endeavour to achieve excellence in performance and will strive for continuous improvement;
·           encourage collaboration across boundaries;
·           act and behave honestly, impartially and with integrity;
·           maintain appropriate confidentiality regarding Institute business;
·           not making improper use of position, power or authority to gain, or seeking to gain, a benefit or advantage for themselves or any other person;
·           only accepting gifts and benefits where these are not identified to influence our decision-making;
·           take reasonable steps to avoid, or disclose and manage, any conflict of interest (actual, potential or perceived) in the course of employment;
·           act within the limits of their authority;
·           adhere to proper records management practices and procedures, so that records are complete, up-to-date and capable of providing organisational accountability;
·           maintain the privacy, integrity and security of official and personal information and ensure the proper use of information systems;
·           investigate any complaints that have been lodged against staff or students in a consistent, prompt, fair and timely manner;
·           promoting socially-inclusive employment practices;
·           maintain adequate security over GLI property, resources and information.
GLI students will:
·            take responsibility for their own learning and participate in the learning and research processes;
·            attend classes and/or scheduled activities on time, unless there is an exceptional circumstance which prevents attendance;
·            know the requirements of their own course and progression rules;
·            observe key dates and deadlines relevant to their own enrolment and course;
·            comply with the conventions of academic scholarship including, but not limited to, the correct use of copyright material, the correct acknowledgement of others’ work and ideas, the use of gender inclusive language, and the avoidance of slang or colloquial language in assessments;
·            be familiar with the resources available to assist in studies and research;
·            ensure that their contact details held by GLI are up to date;
·            present identification when required.
·            GLI is committed to providing staff and students with access to education and training in relation to the requirements of this Code;
·            where uncertain about the Code’s application or interpretation, staff or students should consult with the Registrar or Academic Dean or higher authority if appropriate;
·            failure to comply with the Code may lead to disciplinary action, and in serious cases may lead to termination of study or employment, and/or criminal prosecution.
It is the responsibility of staff, students and GLI affiliates to be aware of and conduct themselves in accordance with this Code and related policies and procedures. It is the responsibility of any delegated supervisors, Deans, Registrar, President, Program Directors and Unit Coordinator to:
·           ensure that new students, staff and affiliates are introduced to the provisions of this Code and related policy documents;
·           ensure that staff under their supervision fulfil the requirements of their induction by being aware of the Institutes’ policy documents;
·           ensure that staff and students are aware of, and periodically renew their awareness of, this Code;
·           model good behaviour consistent with this Code and related policy documents;
·           appropriately respond to reports of contravention of this Code.
Breach of Code of Conduct
Failure to abide by the GLI Code of Conduct Policy by a staff member, student, or affiliate, shall become grounds for appropriate and measured sanctions and/or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for staff or contractors, or discontinuation from a course for students. The severity of disciplinary action should be consistent with the severity of any breach of this Code, and staff or students can access relevant grievance procedures.
The Academic Dean will determine appropriate disciplinary action for a breach of this Code by a student and disciplinary action for a breach of this Code by a staff member or contractor will be determined by that person’s supervisor. If severe disciplinary action is recommended (e.g. dismissal for staff or discontinuation from a course) this must be ratified by the Executive Management Team before being implemented.
Students who are unwilling to abide by the GLI Code of Conduct may be refused admission to a course. Any staff member, student, affiliate or member of the public must refer suspected misconduct to the police if the misconduct contravenes federal, state, or local law.
Allegations of sexual misconduct shall be considered in accordance with the Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response Policy.



Whole Institute

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students

Fact Box

Owner : President

Approval Body : Governing Board

Endorsement Body : Executive Management Team

Category : Governance

Approval Date :

Review Date :

Version :

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Associate Professor Jason Hartley

Jason Hartley is lecturer in criminology at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. He is a former police officer with 23 years of experience, and has trained personnel for deployment in Timor Leste, the Solomon Islands, Iraq and Afghanistan. Jason specializes in, and has published on engagement with Muslim communities, Indigenous Polynesian approaches to rehabilitation and reducing recidivism, and Asian Organised Crime. Jason also completed a community internship in Hebron on the West Bank.


Simone Fulcher

Simone Fulcher is the Campus Manager at Global Leadership Institute responsible for managing the day-to-day operations for the campus. Simone has previously worked in the education sector for over 5 years where she has enjoyed helping young minds realise their potential. Simone also has a history of volunteer work assisting various communities in improving their quality of life in places such as New South Wales, Guam, and Palau. Simone still enjoys volunteering, currently organising events for young adults in Southeast Queensland and helping them form connections their fields of interest.


Professor Grant Pitman

Professor Grant Pitman is the president of the Global Leadership Institute. He has held senior leadership roles in government such as Chief Superintendent of Police and Director of Strategic Planning ICT in the Queensland Police Service;

  • Varied list of contributions to law enforcement, including disaster management, auditing and finance, organizational reform, education and human resources, and policy development
  • National, state, and regional levels of professional service, including the Ipswich Economic Forum, the Brisbane Airport Emergency Planning Committee, the National Emergency Communications Working Group, the National Police Drug and Alcohol Task Force, and the Police Education Advisory Council.

He has a Ph.D. and Master of Administration from Griffith University. He is a well-versed researcher and has published numerous articles and journals.


Professor Kevin Tickle

Professor Kevin Tickle has extensive experience in Executive Management roles in the tertiary education sector, both public and private, over the last two decades and has been a consultant to Higher Education providers in Australia and overseas. His primary areas of interest are Leadership, Management, Information Technology, Mathematics and Statistics with expertise in the areas of probability modelling; decision support, and data analytics. He is currently a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, a member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, the Australian Computer Society and an Emeritus Professor at CQUniversity.


Mr Des Lacy OAM

Des serves as Secretary/Treasurer of the Asia Pacific Chapter of FBI National Academy Associates, after completing 40 years in the Queensland Police Service. During his distinguished career, Des was District Officer (A/Chief Superintendent) in Charge of the Gold Coast Police District, Police Commander for the Gold Coast Indy, Super V8s, Gold Coast Marathon, and Schoolies, as well as National Rugby League and Australian Foot League events in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Des oversaw development and implementation of the Integrated Justice Information Systems, Integrated Traffic Policing Program, and Integrated Tasking and Analysis System. He served as Director of the Strategic Services Branch and Information and Communications Technology Command, as well as Chair of the District Disaster Management Group and Security Operations Coordinator for the 2018 Commonwealth Games. 

Des has been a member of Rotary International for 30 years, representing Rotary International in the United States and the Middle East. For his work in the Gold Coast Community Des was awarded Citizen of the Year at the 2013 Gold Coast Australia Day celebrations. Des also was one of the founding Directors for the Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre that provides much needed social services to the Northern Gold Coast Community. For the past 15 years, he has also been the Chair of this not-for-profit establishment. It. For his work promoting International Law Enforcement Des was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 2017.


Graduate Diploma of Management

Graduate Certificate Business Management 

Bachelor of Business


Katherine Weissel

Katherine is a security and risk specialist with 25 years’ experience in an Australian Police Force, leading teams and responding to emergency events, complex investigations, and counterterrorism.  She has led and managed several major crime, counterterrorism and public safety operations and investigations, and coordinated teams within police operations centres and major incident rooms.  She has delivered training across multiple Australian jurisdictions in emergency response, counterterrorism, and investigations; and specialised in cyber operations in the counterterrorism environment for a number of years.  She has also been deployed to international jurisdictions supporting complex war crimes investigations and prosecutions.  Since moving into the private sector, Katherine has provided consulting and training services in the areas of security and risk, organisational governance & investigations, and cybersecurity.  Katherine is a sessional tutor in tertiary education in criminal justice studies specialising in counterterrorism, global law, crime and justice, and cybercrime.  She has presented to state and national security, cybersecurity and governmental conferences on contemporary physical & cyber threats and risk management.  Katherine has also been involved in research teams examining government responses to terrorism and extremism, and cybersecurity policy.


Dr Shantanu Banerjee

Dr Shantanu Banerjee is senior lecturer at Leaders Institute. With extensive experience in management, leadership, and administration across a range of contexts in India and Australia, Dr Banerjee is also currently an Industry Fellow at the University of Queensland Business School. His research focuses on socio-cultural-political contexts, particularly in the field of agribusiness and international business. His research has highlighted variations in the theme of international competitiveness by emphasising non-economic and non-market variables and on how multinational enterprises subsidiaries can pursue legitimacy pursuing non-market strategies. 

Dr Banerjee has presented his research work at esteemed international conferences such as ANZIBA and EIA and has published in scholarly journals including International Business Review and Management International Review. He graduated from the Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi (India) and the University of Queensland Business School. He has been an academic staff member at the University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology, lecturing in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Dr Banerjee has over 15 years of extensive and varied experience as an International Business Manager dealing and negotiating with overseas clients based in the United States of America, China, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, and Germany. He is currently employed with a Federal agency of the Australian Treasury. 


Doctor of Philosophy, University of Queensland, 2012

Master of Research, Queensland University of Technology, 2005

Master of Business, Queensland University of Technology, 2003

Postgraduate Diploma in International Trade, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, 1986

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, 1985


Communities of Practice

  • Editorial Board, Academy of International Business
  • Editorial Board, European Academy of Management
  • Editorial Board, Leadership & Management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa Conference
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Associate Professor Ben Arachi


Associate Professor Ben Arachi has four decades (1977-2023) of experience in higher education leadership and teaching. During his 15 years as Unit Coordinator at Central Queensland University, he received two Excellence in Teaching Awards and was nominated for the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Learning and Teaching and the Australian Awards for University Teaching. His online learning study was published in Economics for Today (Cengage 2022).

Previously, Associate Professor Arachi  served as Vice Principal, Head of the Department of Extension and Research, and Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal at Arul Anandar College, India (1992-1997). He was then Research Coordinator and Course Coordinator (1999-2008), as well as Chair of the Division of Economics (2000-2005) at HELP University, Malaysia. This included senior involvement in the application to become a University College and then a full University.

Associate Professor Arachi also has over 20 years of experience as a higher degree research supervisor, moderator, and examiner for doctoral degrees. In his five years as a Coordinator of All India Christian Higher Education, he organised numerous state-level seminars and workshops for academics in higher education in India. He has published four monographs, many research papers and articles while editing the Research AAC Journal of Economics. He has reviewed many higher education textbooks.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Madursi Kamaraj University, India, 1989

  • Master of Arts, University of Madras, 1975 (Gold Medalist)

  • Bachelor of Arts, Madursi Kamaraj University, India, 1973 (University Rank and Merit Scholarship)

  • Diploma in Applied Economics, Madursi Kamaraj University, India, 1980


  • Member, Academic Board, 2023-current

  • Chair, Examiners Committe, 2023-current

  • Member, Course Advisory Committee, 2022-current


  • Central Queensland University Student Voice Commendation. The 2021 program includes unit evaluation data from term 3, 2020 and terms 1 and 2, 2021.

  • Central Queensland University  Student Voice Commendation. The 2020 program includes unit evaluation data from term 3, 2019 and terms 1 and 2, 2020.

  • Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Platinum certificate Top rated Unit in Term 2, 2019

  • Central Queensland University Gold certificate Highly rated Unit in Term 2,2019 (ACCT20070)

  • Gold certificate Highly rated Unit in Term 2,2019 from CQU(ECON11026)

  • Charles Sturt University Excellence in Teaching Award (ECO511)


Dr Bandula Nambukara-Gamage

Dr Bandula Nambukara-Gamage is a Senior Lecturer of Accounting and Finance at James Cook University, Brisbane campus. He currently teaches Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Accounting, Master of Professional Accounting, and Master of Business Administration students based on the Brisbane campus. Dr Nambukara-Gamage has previously lectured at Central Queensland University, Federation University, and Charles Darwin University.


Doctor of Philosophy, University of New England, 2013

Master of Commerce

Licentiate Certificate (recognised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia)

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)


Professor Rod St Hill

Professor Rodney St Hill is the former President of Leaders Institute (2018-2020) and serves as Senior Pastor (2016-current) at IgniteLife Church Gold Coast, where he heads IgniteLife Business, an outreach to Christians in business. He is a leader in the global Business As Mission movement. He also consults on governance and executive management in higher education and business, with a particular special interest in Christian education institutions and businesses.

Previously, Professor St Hill was a long-term senior leader and Vice President Academic of Christian Heritage College, Brisbane. With the input of his colleagues and many others in his network, he developed business curriculum that embeds the ‘5 P missional business’ model – a model of production, people, planet, and profit. He was also Dean of Students, among other roles, at University of Southern Queensland (1993-2009).


Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cantebury, 1989

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons 1), University of Newcastle, 1979


External Member, various course assessment panels in business, management and leadership at Alphacrucis College, Australian College of Divinity, and Avondale University College, 2014 to 2020

Member: Australian Institute of Company Directors


Member: Economic Society of Australia

External Expert, Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), 2019-current


Code of Conduct Policy

The Global Leadership Institute (GLI) Code of Conduct establishes a standard by which Institute staff and students conduct themselves towards others and perform their studies and professional duties. GLI complies with the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 (Qld) (hereafter referred to as the Act) which guides actions in dealing with other staff, students and the community.
Whole Institute
·            Conduct means the personal behaviour of a person.
·            Conflict of Interest is a situation in which an individual has competing professional or personal interests. Such competing interests could make it difficult for an individual to fulfil their duties impartially, and potentially could improperly influence the performance of their duties and responsibilities. An apparent (or perceived) conflict of interest exists where it appears that individual private interests could improperly influence the performance of their duties and responsibilities whether this is, in fact, the case. Individuals must be conscious that perceptions of conflict of interest may be as important as an actual conflict. A potential conflict of interest arises where an individual has a private interest which is such that an actual conflict of interest would arise if the member were to become involved in relevant (that is conflicting) official duties and responsibilities in the future.
·            Cyber Bullying is bullying conducted with the use of technology, like mobile phones or the internet.
·            Discrimination is to treat an individual less favourably because of an attribute or to impose unreasonable terms or conditions for which individuals with a particular attribute are unable to comply. Vilification on the grounds of race, religion, sexuality or gender identity is also unlawful.
·            Harassment is any form of behaviour that is unwelcome, unsolicited, unreciprocated and usually (but not always) repeated. It is behaviour that is likely to offend, humiliate or intimidate. 
·            Sexual harassment means any unsolicited, unwelcome and unreciprocated behaviour act or conduct of a sexual nature that embarrasses, humiliates or offends other persons. It can be a single incident or a persistent pattern and can range from subtle behaviour to explicit demands for sexual activity or even criminal assault.
·            Victimisation means treating someone unfairly because they have made, or intend to make, a discrimination or harassment complaint. This also includes those who have supported another person in making a complaint.
·            Bullying is defined as repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a person or a group of people that creates a risk to health and safety. 
·            Maladministration means the gross mismanagement of risk leading to death, injury or the culpable wastage of Institute’s resources that adversely affects a person’s interests in a substantial and specific way.
·            Misconduct means conduct which is not serious misconduct but which is nonetheless unacceptable. Serious misconduct means deliberately behaving in a way that is inconsistent with this Code of Conduct.
·            Personal information – information about an identified or identifiable individual that is not available in the public domain.
·            Records management – the control and management of records to meet business, legal and regulatory requirements and compliance with standards governing professional practice. It is a business imperative, a corporate responsibility and a critical function performed through the collective actions of individuals.
·            Record – recorded information in any form, including data in computer systems as well as emails, created or received by any staff member of the Institute in the course of his/her duties.
·            Public comment – includes public speaking engagements, comments on radio and television; and expressing views in letters to the newspapers or in books, journals or notices, or where it might be expected that the publication or circulation of the comment will spread to the community at large.
·            Staff – ongoing, fixed-term and casual staff, including senior management, executive, academic, professional and technical, visiting and adjunct staff, volunteers and conjoint appointments.
·            Sustainability – the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
All staff and students will:
·            Be informed and comply with the relevant GLI policies and procedures;
·            behave in a way that upholds the integrity and good reputation of the Institute;
·            not engage in any behaviour that contravenes federal, state or local law, including sexual assault or sexual harassment;
·            refrain from, and not accept any behaviour which may reasonably be perceived as discrimination, vilification, bullying, cyberbullying, intimidation, harassment, or physically or emotionally threatening;
·            protect Institute resources and take all possible care to use them in a proper manner;
·            comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone who has authority to give that direction;
·            make well-considered decisions, and provide reasons for these decisions where required, especially where they may have an adverse effect on people;
·            disclose wrongdoing and protect those who make a disclosure;
·            avoid any conduct, including alcohol or substance abuse or misuse, which would adversely affect work and/or study performance;
·            avoid all forms of academic misconduct;
·            comply with all relevant legislative and statutory requirements.
·            treat fellow staff members, students and members of the public with honesty, respect and courtesy, and have regard for the dignity and needs of others, including in online communications;
·            respect and celebrate diversity, including gender, race, sexuality, disability, cultural background, marital status, age, political conviction or family responsibilities;
·            act to ensure equity, fairness and natural justice is afforded to all;
·            seek to resolve disputes in a fair and timely manner;
·            strive to create an environment which provides a safe and healthy workplace for employees, students and members of the community;
·            stand up for the rights of others;
·            strive to embed environmental, social, economic and cultural sustainability in all our activities;
·            not engage in any behaviour that would impair the freedom of others to pursue their studies, research and/ or involvement at GLI;
·            report genuinely suspected or known fraud or corrupt conduct to appropriate staff/authority through the appropriate procedures.
GLI staff will:
·           endeavour to achieve excellence in performance and will strive for continuous improvement;
·           encourage collaboration across boundaries;
·           act and behave honestly, impartially and with integrity;
·           maintain appropriate confidentiality regarding Institute business;
·           not making improper use of position, power or authority to gain, or seeking to gain, a benefit or advantage for themselves or any other person;
·           only accepting gifts and benefits where these are not identified to influence our decision-making;
·           take reasonable steps to avoid, or disclose and manage, any conflict of interest (actual, potential or perceived) in the course of employment;
·           act within the limits of their authority;
·           adhere to proper records management practices and procedures, so that records are complete, up-to-date and capable of providing organisational accountability;
·           maintain the privacy, integrity and security of official and personal information and ensure the proper use of information systems;
·           investigate any complaints that have been lodged against staff or students in a consistent, prompt, fair and timely manner;
·           promoting socially-inclusive employment practices;
·           maintain adequate security over GLI property, resources and information.
GLI students will:
·            take responsibility for their own learning and participate in the learning and research processes;
·            attend classes and/or scheduled activities on time, unless there is an exceptional circumstance which prevents attendance;
·            know the requirements of their own course and progression rules;
·            observe key dates and deadlines relevant to their own enrolment and course;
·            comply with the conventions of academic scholarship including, but not limited to, the correct use of copyright material, the correct acknowledgement of others’ work and ideas, the use of gender inclusive language, and the avoidance of slang or colloquial language in assessments;
·            be familiar with the resources available to assist in studies and research;
·            ensure that their contact details held by GLI are up to date;
·            present identification when required.
·            GLI is committed to providing staff and students with access to education and training in relation to the requirements of this Code;
·            where uncertain about the Code’s application or interpretation, staff or students should consult with the Registrar or Academic Dean or higher authority if appropriate;
·            failure to comply with the Code may lead to disciplinary action, and in serious cases may lead to termination of study or employment, and/or criminal prosecution.
It is the responsibility of staff, students and GLI affiliates to be aware of and conduct themselves in accordance with this Code and related policies and procedures. It is the responsibility of any delegated supervisors, Deans, Registrar, President, Program Directors and Unit Coordinator to:
·           ensure that new students, staff and affiliates are introduced to the provisions of this Code and related policy documents;
·           ensure that staff under their supervision fulfil the requirements of their induction by being aware of the Institutes’ policy documents;
·           ensure that staff and students are aware of, and periodically renew their awareness of, this Code;
·           model good behaviour consistent with this Code and related policy documents;
·           appropriately respond to reports of contravention of this Code.
Breach of Code of Conduct
Failure to abide by the GLI Code of Conduct Policy by a staff member, student, or affiliate, shall become grounds for appropriate and measured sanctions and/or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for staff or contractors, or discontinuation from a course for students. The severity of disciplinary action should be consistent with the severity of any breach of this Code, and staff or students can access relevant grievance procedures.
The Academic Dean will determine appropriate disciplinary action for a breach of this Code by a student and disciplinary action for a breach of this Code by a staff member or contractor will be determined by that person’s supervisor. If severe disciplinary action is recommended (e.g. dismissal for staff or discontinuation from a course) this must be ratified by the Executive Management Team before being implemented.
Students who are unwilling to abide by the GLI Code of Conduct may be refused admission to a course. Any staff member, student, affiliate or member of the public must refer suspected misconduct to the police if the misconduct contravenes federal, state, or local law.
Allegations of sexual misconduct shall be considered in accordance with the Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response Policy.



Whole Institute

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students


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