This policy outlines Global Leadership Institute (GLI)’s response to disruptions from internal or external events in a way that ensures critical functions are maintained or restored in a timely fashion, whilst minimising the impact to staff, students, and the general community.
Business Continuity: capability of GLI to continue to deliver learning and teaching, administration, and operational capabilities at an acceptable level following a disruptive incident or event.
Business Continuity Management (BCM): whole of organisation process for managing the Institute’s operations to ensure that critical functions can, in the event of a material disruption arising from internal or external events, be maintained or restored in a timely fashion with minimal impact to staff, students and the general community.
Business Continuity Plans (BCP): collate the instructions / actions that underpin the business continuity management strategy for the Institute’s critical functions. They are used to manage incidents. The BCP details continuity / interim actions to be immediately implemented to achieve the highest level of operational performance with the resources available and considering the specifics of the interruption situation.
Business Impact Analysis: series of analyses to determine function criticality and to gather information about critical functions, their dependencies and resource requirements.
Disruption: a major incident or event that interrupts normal business functions, operations or processes whether anticipated (e.g. storm, flood, fire) or unanticipated (e.g. terror attack, pandemic, etc).
GLI seeks to:
- ensure the continuity of critical business functions;
- allocate roles and responsibilities to staff in the event of a critical incident;
- allocate management responsibility for the implementation, monitoring and review of BCM documentation;
- provide a consistent approach to BCM; and integrate BCM within the Institute’s Critical Incident Management Policy.
Governing Board is responsible for overseeing the management and assessment of risk across the Institute. On the advice of the President, it will set the policy for the Institute’s business continuity management.
The Institute’s Executive Management Team is responsible for the implementation of business continuity management including the oversight of appropriate documentation, training, testing and monitoring of the BCM program.
The Academic Dean, Program Directors, and Registrar are the BCP owners with responsibility for ensuring that all critical functions under their responsibility have BCP established, maintained and reviewed.
All staff of the Institute are expected to recognise the importance of business continuity, to be familiar with the provisions of this policy and to support the processes that will appropriately manage a serious disruption to Institute operations and business.
Whole Institute
Key Stakeholder
All staff and students