This policy describes the processes Global Leadership Institute (GLI) uses to ensure academic quality assurance in the development, implementation, and review of its courses.
1. Academic Governance
GLI has a rigorous academic governance framework including Academic Board, Course Advisory Committee, Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Committee, Examiners Committee, and Student Appeals Committee. There are terms of reference for each that ensure the Institute comprehensively monitors its courses and seeks to continuously improve its practices.
Ultimate responsibility for academic quality assurance matters rests with Academic Board, which reports through its Chair to Governing Board. Academic Board has delegated authority from Governing Board for academic governance of the Institute.
2. Academic Management
GLI appoints Program Directors to provide academic leadership and oversight in the implementation of its courses. The Program Director is responsible for fostering in academic staff high quality teaching, research and scholarship, engagement and social responsibility, and ensuring compliance with academic policies.
3. Academic Policies and/or Guides
GLI has policies and related procedural documents/guides to inform every aspect of academic activity.
4. Learning and Teaching Plan
GLI’s Learning and Teaching Plan provides comprehensive coverage of actions to be undertaken in learning and teaching. It has a strong focus on the provision of quality driven student centric education. Progress against the set yearly actions will be monitored and then formally reviewed at the end of each semester via a written report submitted to Academic Board by the Chair of Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Committee.
5. Student Services and Support Plan
GLI’s Students Services and Support Plan provides comprehensive coverage of actions to be undertaken in student services and support. It has a strong focus on support for online students. Progress against the set yearly actions will be monitored and then formally reviewed at the end of each semester via a written report submitted to Academic Board by the Academic Dean.
6. Benchmarking
GLI’s external benchmarking activities guide planning and goal setting. They enable the Institute to compare good practices, evaluate performance, monitor standards, and make quality improvements as required. Benchmarking is carried out in support of the GLI Strategic Plan and is integrated into planning processes.
7. Course and Unit Reviews
As noted in the Course and Unit Review Policy, GLI will conduct regular reviews overseen by the Academic Dean and relevant Program Director. These reviews will be informed by student feedback data and performance measures such as (overall and by student cohort):
- student participation, progression, attrition, and completion data;
- effectiveness of support for underrepresented and disadvantaged subgroups;
- grade point averages;
- student feedback;
- staff feedback;
- industry feedback;
- improvement plan for the upcoming year;
- evidence of implementation of previous improvement plans.
Course and unit reviews form part of the Annual Academic Report prepared by the Academic Dean which is tabled to Academic Board and Governing Board. The Annual Academic Report demonstrates how recommendations for improvement are implemented in learning and teaching, research and scholarship, and student services and support. It also includes reports from Program Directors and the various subcommittees of Academic Board. Students will be informed in writing of previous improvements based on feedback from their predecessors.
8. Stakeholder Feedback
Stakeholder feedback is also utilised by GLI to inform course and unit development and review, as well as ensuring continuous review and improvement in all aspects of the Institute. Stakeholder feedback initiated by GLI includes:
Student Feedback Form
At the end of each semester, all academic staff must ensure that their students have been invited to complete the online Student Feedback Form on Moodle. This should be completed no later than two weeks after the end of semester. This survey provides students with the opportunity to evaluate learning and teaching, resources available, curriculum content, assessment, and other broader study experience.
Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT)
GLI students are encouraged to participate in QILT surveys, including the Student Experience Survey and Graduate Outcomes Survey. Employers are encouraged to complete the Employer Satisfaction Survey.
Staff Feedback
GLI encourages staff to provide feedback on all aspects of GLI life through:
- staff meetings (formal and informal);
- staff satisfaction surveys;
- Annual Performance Appraisals;
- representation on appropriate governing boards and committees.
Other Stakeholder Feedback
- feedback is also sought from other stakeholders, including alumni, enquirers, industry partners, academic peers, and communities of practice.
9. External Experts
GLI complements internal quality assurance processes with the engagement of external experts for specific purposes. External experts will be engaged when required to undertake auditing of curriculum, advice about industry changes from discipline experts and the provision of workshops for staff on pedagogy and student assessment.
Whole Institute
Key Stakeholder
All staff and students
Stakeholder feedback will be used by GLI staff to:
- inform Annual Performance Appraisals;
- improve the delivery of courses through course and unit development and review;
- motivate and support scholarship in learning and teaching;
- improve the provision of learning resources, facilities, equipment, and services;
- inform professional development programs.
GLI staff will engage with and report on stakeholder feedback and will undertake improvement planning on the basis of such feedback. This will include:
- reports on the results of stakeholder feedback will be distributed to staff with responsibility for improving student experience;
- staff will be consulted and informed regarding the use and dissemination of student and stakeholder feedback;
- stakeholders, including students, will be informed of changes made to courses and units based feedback received.
Grievances are addressed according to the Staff Grievance Policy or Student Grievance and Appeals Policy.